If you try to load the controls dynamically in your example in the handler for SelectedItemChanged event of the dropdown control, it will fail, because of the way that lifecycle works for ASP.Net page. These 3 pins control those keys, according to the schematic I found online. Upon inspection of the keyboard ribbon socket on the logic board, the 3 first pins appear damaged.
#Control button on mac is not working pro#
I see the "You clicked me, yay" written when I click the button I have a mid 2012 macbook pro unibody 15' and the left shift/option/control keys do not work. protected void btn1_Click(object s, EventArgs e)Īll works like a charm. Var ctl = LoadControl("Controls/UserControl.ascx") Ensure your LoadControl method is inside the If block if (!IsPostBack)ĭ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) Press and hold the power button (if you have a MacBook with a Touch Bar, it’s the Touch ID button). You are reloading the usercontrol on the page before the button event occurs. But if a misbehaving app won’t force quit, the chances are that it has grabbed most of the resources on your Mac and caused it to beachball, meaning you can’t click on the Apple menu. Further proof that the button does not exist at the right time.
Also note, the click event will occur before the Page_Load event. You will see that the click event does not fire. In page_load, dynamically create a button with a click event in the Page_Load.
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) Recommend that your user control is loaded in this event. So the UserControl with the button in it cannot be connected to the click event and the click event wont fire. This means the UserControl will not exist, which mean the button does not exist for the event to be wired back up. When you click the button and the post_back occurs, Page_Load has not occurred yet. Loading your UserControl in the Page_Load will work the first time. You need to ensure that you UserControl exists so the button click event is triggered when viewstate is rebuilt.